Frugal Family Fun: How to Make Long Distance Work for Your Relationship

Thursday, September 9, 2010

How to Make Long Distance Work for Your Relationship

As you may have read, my husband took a job about 7 weeks ago that is about 1,000 miles away from our family.  I am starting at Central Washington University this month, and we didn't want to pack up and move the family right away, so he is out there while I stay with our little girls. We have had to sacrifice alot.  But it has been a growing experience so far, and will be an overall good thing in the long run.

So I have put together some advice to help you, your spouse and your kids get through long distance families of any type.  Military families, long commute or any type of separation can benefit from these tips:

1. Make sure you call each other at least once a day if at all possible (With military of course this won't work).  It is more personal than text and email and helps to keep you connected to eachother.

2. That being said, try to be sweet or show your appreciation for the other spouse by sending a kind text during the day.

3. To keep it creative, surprise your partner.  My husband sent me flowers yesterday and it totally made my day ☺

4. Get web cams to do family video chats.  Let each child talk to the other parent individually so each gets a little one on one time and is able to share anything special that has happened.  This is such a great way to use technology to connect!

5. Talk about the situation with your kids. I cannot stress this enough. It is a tough transition on little ones when dad or mom goes away for a long period of time.  Explaining the situation and helping them to understand why these changes are taking place are crucial to helping them cope. Give extra hugs and kisses to make up for lost affection from your partner.

If your relationship and family can withstand a long distance separation, chances are you can cope with just about anything! I hope you find these tips useful for any situation you may need them for!


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