Frugal Family Fun: Contact Us/PR Info

Contact Us/PR Info

Have a question? Need a product reviewed or want a host for a giveaway? Drop us a line!!

Twitter: @frugalfamilyfun

If you think that you have a product that is a good fit for review on this website, please contact me via e-mail . I will always post my honest opinion of the product. I am willing to use images and links provided by you, but the final post will be written and edited by me.

In doing reviews, I have found that hosting giveaways or contests seem to be a great way to generate traffic and feedback for your product. I will use all forms of social media available such as Twitter. I am willing to generate traffic to your social networking sites by offering extra entries in contests by becoming followers/fans.

Please feel free to contact me at This Email with any questions or PR suggestions.  I am always happy to answer any questions you may have.  

Disclaimer: If you require that a sampled product be sent back after review, this must be agreed upon prior to receiving the product. You will also be responsible for the return shipping of said product.

Frugal Family Fun is not responsible for any prizes not received by the winner due to error on the part of the company shipping out the prize. All products to be reviewed will be  reviewed in the order that they are received.  
