Clothes are so hard to clean!! Especially when you have little ones! Tide Coldwater cleans and keeps your power bill a little lower! Everything gets washed in cold water! Check out this giveaway!!
Tide Coldwater Giveaway
Fun blog for family activities, giveaways and a place to find more giveaways! PR FRIENDLY!
*Rear parking brake.
*Individual Canopies
*Easy fold, to go
*5-point harness with adjustable padded safety straps
*Seat Recline
*Plenty of storage
*Safety Feature Overview: 5-point harness with chest strap / rear parking brake / tether wrist strap.
*5 year warranty on the frame & 1 year soft goods
(via Barefoot Mommies website)
Please go check out barefoot mommies and see what the giveaway is all about!