Sunday, January 23, 2011 Review!

I love a shirt with a funny catch phrase! Makes it real entertaining when you look at someone lol.  And for those people who love them, there is a place to get great funny t shirts!  There are all kinds of hilarious and awesome tees at Nacho Mama Tees!! These are great for guys and gals!   And who doesn't love a great t shirt?

My husband is part Irish, so I got to review this Irish Drinking Team Tshirt!:
  I thought it was funny!  We thought the different shirts on their site were really great!! Nacho Mama Tees offers a shirt for anyone, male or female!  Most of these tees are not fit for wearing when you see your mom.  But some are pretty tame. I like this:

Nacho Mama Tees ( has some of the best offensive t shirts around. Founded in 2004 the t-shirt giant offers funny shirts which include chuck norris shirts, hangover t shirts and zombie tshirts. They provide a variety of funny t shirts and crazy shirts.  With new mens vintage tees and great movie t shirts you are sure to find one you will fall in love with!
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