Sunday, January 23, 2011

Crazy Dog T-shirts Reivew!

Looking for a funny shirt to express your personality? Look no further than Crazy Dog Tshirts!!  They have a large selection of the best funny t-shirts, unique novelty t-shirts and stylish cool t-shirt designs!!  And they have shirts for both men and women! From funny to outrageous they have it all!  And they are very well priced so you can look great for less!

Since most of my blogging goodies are so girly, I was excited to have the chance for my husband to review something! He chose this I ♥ Slots tshirt!:
He was really impressed with the available selection! There were so many he had a hard time choosing at first! This clever t shirt was perfect for him!  And like I said, they have shirts for girls too! Why should guys get to have all the fun? Hilarious and cute tshirts are always fun for the ladies!! I love this shirt!:


About Crazy Dog T-shirts

Crazy Dog T-shirts ( is the number one source online for funny t shirts and vintage shirts that help you stand out and get noticed. Founded in 2004 the t-shirt empire offers custom shirts in Rochester, NY. They provide customers with a variety of cool t-shirts and crazy shirts.  Featuring both creative original concepts and popular licensed designs.  Looking for a funny t shirt?  They have hundreds of funny shirts which you won't want to miss!

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Crazy Dog Tshirts sent me a shirt to review on my blog. I was not obligated to give a positive review.  Photos from Crazy Dog Tshirts!

1 comment:

  1. My husband is turning 40 in June and I was just thinking last night of finding some cool t shirts to put in a tshirt quilt I am making him. Thanks for sharing!


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