Friday, December 17, 2010

Winners Galore!!

Due to some family tragedies I have been away from my blog! Not to fear, I am still here!!  And past due on MANY giveaway winners!! Too many for the screen shots, here we go!!:

For the Happy Baby Foods Giveaway:
akritical said... 21
I'd love to try the Banana Puffs. GFC follower id akritical akritical at yahoo dot com
For the contest:
Romapr said... 89
Tweet 5
For the Giani Granite Paint Kit:
Jennifer said... 111 Follow Giani Granite on Twitter @noteasy2begreen.

For the Alexa's Angels Necklace:
lewalk said... 155
Follow @alexasangels on Twitter. lewalk76

For the Cellulite Massager:
Romapr said... 108
I entered the Alexa's Angels Giveaway!
For the CP Docks Cell phone charging shelf :
Danelle said... 45
I follow/like you on FB-DanelleJohns danellejohns at gmail dot com
 For the Breathe Right Contest:
Romapr said... 155
Tweet 4
For the
Nacho Mama Tees Contest:
Beth @ Sand To Pearl said... 3
My brother would TOTALLY LOVE the "I'd rather be wearing my snuggy" my GFC is Sand to Pearl

For the Crazy Dog Tshirts Contest:
Romapr said... 52
Liked Frugal Family Fun on Facebook under Rochelle Martin

And FINALLY (LOL) for the Woombie Swaddler 
Bethany said... 39
WHOOOOOOOO! I think I got them all lol!  Congrats to each and every winner and please check out other current giveaways!!!

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