Thursday, June 14, 2012

Transitions Lenses-Seattle – Sights of Your Life at the Seattle Brewer's Festival!!

I believe sight is one of the most important senses.  I can't imagine not being able to see the beauty around me-my kids smiles, beautiful sunsets, amazing views....these are the little things we take for granted!! There is no better time than the present to make sure your vision is up to par and prevent your vision from getting worse over time!! The opportunity is presenting itself to anyone in the Seattle area this weekend!!  Transitions lenses has set its sights on Seattle! Transitions lenses, in partnership with Pearle Vision will be in Seattle at the Washington Brewers Festival on June 15-17, 2012. Attendees can come by their booth for the Ultimate Sightseeing Experience including free vision screenings for the whole family and the opportunity to get your photo taken in front of a scenic backdrop! Learn more here.
Event Info:
King County’s Marymoor Park (6046 W. Lake Sammamish)
Dates and Times:
Friday, June 15  from 4 pm – 9 pm (21+ only)
Saturday, June 16 from 11 am – 9 pm (all ages)
Sunday, June 17 from 11 am – 6 pm (all ages)

I think this is a great way to promote vision health!  I worry about my kids getting glasses at a young age like I did, so I am very adamant about vision screenings and making sure my family's eyes are taken care of!!  Healthy vision is really important!  I would hate to have sight all my life and over time lose that, to the point where I am no longer able to enjoy the world's beauty.  I have seen a lot of  things in the short time of my Life.  Some of my most cherished visions have been my kids.  Being able to see pure joy in their faces, the look of excitement when they get a surprise....those are moments that those without their vision miss out on!  I can't imagine not being able to see those moments. Words are just never enough to truly express how you feel!!

Some other amazing sights to be seen are scenery!! I love a good drive in the mountains, a stroll on the beach, or just a little window shopping. You take the world for granted when you see it daily.  But what if you weren't able to see the world around you? There are so many amazing things to see-right in our own backyard!! Imagine, never getting to see the Space Needle, the ocean, or Mt. Rainier. This isn't something I am willing to risk! I have to wear glasses or contacts, due to me not getting proper vision care as a child.  I always watch my kids when they are watching t.v. or reading to see if they are squinting or having problems.  It's never to early or too late to take care of your vision health.  Without my contacts, I am not able to see the amaizng world around me nearly as well.  I can't drive without them, so it has been a daily necessity.  Getting to this free screening is the best way to help maintain your vision!! Head to the Washington Brewer's Festival this weekend and get your free screening!!  

“I received compensation to participate in a SocialMoms and Transitions lenses blogging program. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own. To read more posts on this topic, click here.”

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