Thursday, May 17, 2012

Register for Cellfire Coupons!

Sign up for Cellfire and get these great savings and more!!

Latest Coupon Cycle!
The offers below are available from 5/15 - 5/28 and they expire on 6/11. These offers are valid at Kroger and Kroger subsidiaries, Carrs, Genuardi's, Randall's, Tom Thumb, Shop 'n Save, Foodtown, and Harps.

Fiber One Cereal Save $.75
Save $0.75 when you buy any ONE BOX Fiber One cereal listed, Fiber One Original, Fiber One Honey Clusters, Fiber One Raisin Bran Clusters, Fiber One Caramel Delight(TM), Fiber One Frosted Shredded Wheat, Fiber One 80 Calories.

Yoplait Cups Save $.40
Save $0.40 when you buy SIX CUPS any variety Yoplait Yogurt (Includes Original, Light, Thick & Creamy, OR Whips!)

Trix Cereal Save $.50
Save $0.50 when you buy ONE BOX Trix cereal.

Honey Nut Cheerios Save $.50
Save $0.50 when you buy ONE BOX Honey Nut Cheerios cereal.

Suddenly Salad Save $.50
Save $0.75 when you buy TWO packages of Pillsbury Rolled Refrigerated Pie Crusts.

Gogurt, Trix, Splitz Save $.75
Save $0.75 when you buy TWO any flavor Yoplait products listed: Yoplait Go-GURT Yogurt, Yoplait Kids Cup Yogurt, Yoplait Trix Multipack Yogurt, Yoplait Splitz Yogurt.

Yoplait Greek yogurt Save $.50
Save $0.50 when you buy TWO CUPS any flavor Yoplait Greek yogurt.

Mountain High Yogurt Save $.50
Save $0.50 when you buy any flavor 32 OZ. Mountain High Yoghurt.

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