Monday, February 6, 2012

Friends Count!


We've got some beary exciting news to share with you on behalf of our good friends at Build-A-Bear Workshop. In 2012, Build-A-Bear Workshop will celebrate two major milestones. The first milestone is their 15th birthday! Since the company opened its doors in St. Louis Galleria on October 27, 1997 it has grown to become a global brand while being recognized as a company with heart. The second milestone is the celebration of selling their 100 millionth furry friend!

In honor of their birthday and helping create 100 million best friends, Build-A-Bear Workshop wants to spread the word that Friends Count! Whether your best friend is one of your longtime gal pals, your spouse, your pet, or even your teddy bear, we can all agree that our friends have made our lives so much better.

Friends are great because they are there for you when you need them. As a great quote says "A true friend doesn't care when you're broke, what you weigh, if your house is a mess, about your past, or if your family is filled with crazies. They love you for who you are.They back you in all you do. A true friend can go long periods of time without speaking to you and never question the friendship." They love you unconditionally and would be there whenever you need them. My closest friends would do anything for me, and I would do the same in return. Friends are the family we choose! 

Visit to help your little one create a furry friend!!

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