Friday, October 28, 2011

Check out Real Moms Love To Eat by Beth Aldrich!

I am not shy to say that I am a mama who LOVES food.  I used to be the person who hated cooking. My idea of making a meal was cooking some hamburger helper.  Thank goodness I grew out of that! I am proud to say that my love for food has developed into a love for cooking over the years! I love trying out different recipes and learning how to cook! It has become a fun hobby for me and a great way to relax!!

I love new books by other mom bloggers and of course, free prizes! Please help to celebrate the launch of “Real Moms Love to Eat: How to Conduct a Love Affair with Food, Lose Weight and Feel Fabulous” (New American Library, a Penguin Books Imprint, January, 2012) by author, Beth Aldrich, Certified Health Counselor.

The book is broken down in three sections, which include a fun and easy-to-follow 10-part plan for moms to implement to make gradual, life-long changes in their approach to food and 21 days of meal suggestions,tips, recipes and lifestyle changes—all to help you continue your love affair with food to look fabulous. Beth’s approach to healthy eating is simple and realistic for busy moms. You’ll learn a lot about the food you eat and how it impacts your body and still have loads of fun experiencing new foods and enjoying your life.

 This book will help you get on the track to eating great and loving it!  It's packed full  of great meals and ways to change your lifestyle to live healthier! And of course it has tips straight from a REAL mom who REALLY loves food! ☺ Sounds like my kind of mom!!
So check it out for yourself at! You can also join the convo on Twitter, @realmomsluv2eat and learn more great tips from Beth!!

“I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Beth Aldrich - Real Moms Love to Eat blogging program, for a chance to get 3,000 My SocialMoms Rewards points. For more information on how you can participate, click here.”

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