Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Keeping My Family Happy

With three kids, a husband and a dog, it isn't always easy to keep everyone happy.  But I feel as the mom that's my job, so I try my hardest! There are lots of little things I do, and a few bigger ones too! Here are my tips for keeping your family happy!

1-Keep a clean house! Get everyone involved in keeping things clean, because if your space is clean, you are less stressed and happier overall! This also helps your kids to develop these skills and not think of it as a chore but as a daily routine!

2-Get outside! Sunshine=Happiness in my book! I am loving the sunshine and finally warmer weather! It is a great time to go to the park, walk around the block or just hang out in the yard! Getting active keeps you happy too, so involve everyone!

3-Eat healthy! Good nutrition will lead to a happier healthier family.   Feeding delicious and nutritious meals isn't as hard as some may think! Try browsing for recipes online-you can find just about anything and there are some AMAZING meals to be made!

4-Turn off the t.v.! Get connected with your kids  by reading a story, playing a board game or whatever they want to play.  Spending this quality time with your kids will make them SO happy, and with DVR you don't have the excuse that your show is on!

5-Take time for you and your spouse!  Keeping that relationship and that spark will make you guys happier, which in turn will make your kids happier.  Take time to do fun, new things, to keep things fresh and exciting. Trust me, you will feel like you're a teen in love ALL over again. ☺

6-Be Happy yourself!! When mom is happy everyone is happy right? Treat yourself when you need it, and take time for yourself.  When you are calm and happy, everyone in the family will follow suit. We all feel like its our duty to keep our families happy, but our first duty is to keep ourselves happy.

So there you have my 6 tips to keep your family happy! Family is the most important thing to me, so keeping my family happy is my overall goal! They might not always get what they want, but knowing they are happy with what they have is something I always try to teach my kids. And it is important to remember-You can't make EVERYONE happy EVERY time.

So now, I want to know, what do you do to keep your family happy? Please comment below and share your favorite tips!

“I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Farm Rich blogging program, for a gift card worth $25. For more information on how you can participate, click here.”

1 comment:

  1. Great tips! #6 is my #1 rule of thumb. My husband always teases me saying that "if momma ain't happy, nobody's happy". But if momma is happy it's so much easier to do all the little things that makes the whole family happy.


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