Friday, March 18, 2011

The Happy Handle Bar Shopping Cart Cover Review

Ever consider how many germs are on your shopping cart at the grocery store? More than you can imagine! And since you probably don't want your little one exposed to all those germs, you need a solution.  The Happy Handle Bar Cover is a great way to keep your baby safe while riding in style!

Product Description
The Happy Handle Bar Shopping Cart cover is a child's hygiene cover for children 6-36 months.
This As Seen On TV product is simple in that it is small in size, easy to attach and remove, machine washable, comes in 6 different styles, safe and entertaining, can attach your kiddos favorite clip on toy, has two coupon, key, or binky holders, and all for
only $20.00.

This product simply makes shopping safe and fun for

Patented and Made in the U.S.A 

I love this cover, it protects little hands from germs and makes for a cushy cover for the handle when you are pushing!  I also like that you can attach cups, keys, toys and more to the cover! That makes it really easy to keep track of your stuff, leaving you free to focus on shopping!  It was a little confusing at first how to put it on the cart, since there are no instructions with the handle cover. But I was able to figure it out,and my baby thought it was so cool to have this colorful handle bar to hold on to! This cover is a great deal at $19.99! Click here to buy one now!

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