Sunday, February 13, 2011

Boiron Homeopathic Value Pack Review & Giveaway

Have you heard of Homeopathic medicine?  Have you used any before? For me, it started with teething tablets when my now 5 year old started teething as a baby.  The Orajel and Tylenol didn't quite do the job, so we gave her the teething tablet.  The combination of the three medicines seemed to soothe my baby and help her with her teething. And a quiet happy baby means a happy family! But that was all I had tried as far as Homeopathic treatments.

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathic medicines are therapeutically active micro-doses of mineral, botanical and biological substances.  They are reliable and safe drugs, therefore considered by many as an excellent first choice when self-medicating. Homeopathy has been used for more than 200 years, building a remarkable safety record and generating a great body of knowledge.  Today, homeopathy is used by millions of patients in more than 65 countries and recommended by more than 400,000 healthcare providers.

Recently I got to try the Boiron Homeopathic Value Pack. I decided to try it the first day I felt a sore throat and slight runny nose when I woke up.  My husband woke up that day with the same symptoms. I followed the directions of the Coldcalm-take 2 tablets every 15 minutes for 2 hours, then continue every 2 hours to take 2 tablets.  The next day I was better! No cold, no sore throat-no kidding! My husband suffered with the cold about a week, getting far worse than that first day! I was so happy to be healthy!!

When my 2 year old was recently sick with a temp of 103, my husband I got very worried.  She wouldn't take liquid medicines and was becoming dehydrated because she wasn't drinking much either. After spending several hours in the pediatricians office, we were sent home.  We still couldn't get medicine in her but were hoping to get her better without a trip to the hospital.  When she woke up from a nap I got her to take one of the doses of oscillococcinum. Within 15-20 minutes her fever was down, she was eating and drinking, running was a complete turn around! 
The following day we took her back to the doctor for a follow up. The doctor was shocked that the homeopathic medicine is what worked to help her fever go down.  But really I think it was! The medicine was like a little tube of sprinkles so she took it without a fight! Of course, it isn't really sprinkles, but the similarity helped the situation!  I was so glad that something worked and helped her to feel better during a time that she was very ill! I recommend anyone who is sick to try these products!

You can try this great product out for yourself! Here is how you can win the value pack Sponsored by!!

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Contest begins now and ends February 28,2011 at 11:59 PM PST. Winners will be selected via and will be notified by email. Winner must respond within 48 hours or forfeits prize.  As I am fulfilling shipment, this is open to US Only!

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  1. Boiron offers more than 800 homeopathic medicines
    I also like you on GFC as kerismommy

  2. like you on facebook(amylynn)

  3. email subscriber


Make sure to include your email in at least the first comment!!