Friday, December 17, 2010

The Magic Bowl Potty Training DVD Review & Giveaway!

I have been through potty training with 2 of my 3 kids, and the third ones has shown interest in potty training. It's not perfect yet but she's trying and that's what counts!!  I was trying to find ways to help her with the transition from diapers to big girl panties!! I have seen all sorts of dvd's but none of them really help to captivate and educate the way they should. I finally came across The Magic Bowl!!

This great dvd has catchy songs, lively characters and bright colors to help encourage your child to use the potty!! The songs even stuck in my head!! But the part I liked that it wasn't one of those kids dvd's you want to hide somewhere! The kids wanted to watch the dvd over and over and I was okay with that.  I was surprised by this!

And what else surprised me was how interested my totally potty trained 3 and 5 year old were in watching the movie! My oldest has been trained since she was 21 months, and the 3 year old has been potty trained about a year and a half now.  They sat right with my youngest, watching the dvd and singing the songs!!

I love how the videos help the child by hearing what the kids on the movie have to say.  One girl realizes her diaper is in the way when she is changing, and she wants to have big girl panties like her friend wears.  This is the sort of mindset that helps to get children to want to try out the potty: they see other kids doing it!!

About The Magic Bowl:
The Magic Bowl is like no other potty training video on the market. It is based on 25 years of Dr. Kushnir’s experience in the areas of potty training, bed wetting, and sphincter control. The movie presents the toilet as a warm, loving, friendly, motherly, protective figure - this is a unique approach to help kids to cope with frequent and typical anxieties and fears of the toilet, which often are a serious obstacle in the potty training process.
The Magic Bowl
  • Is the product of 25 years of Dr. Kushnir’s experience.
  • Will encourage your child to use the toilet instead of the potty.
  • Will help inspire your child to get potty trained on their own.
  • Is a wonderful way of introducing potty training to any child.
  • Is a beautifully animated cartoon musical.
  • Will decrease the fear and anxiety your child faces while potty training.
Parents from around the country have tried The Magic Bowl and they all agree on one thing “it works.” This movie will have your children singing, and laughing about potty training the first day you watch it.
The positive message in this video makes it easy for your child to see the potty as a positive thing and not scary.  By playing this video and watching it with your child (or having older siblings watch it with them) it may help them in their potty training!!

Guess what!?! One of you can win your own DVD Copy of The Magic Bowl!! Here is how to win!!!:
PART 1:  Tell me your best tip for potty training!! Leave your answer in your comment!

PART 2: Follow me via Google Friend Connect
You must put both parts in the SAME comment and include your GFC name for the entry to count. Also must include an email to contact you to win, unless it is visible on your blogger profile.
 No email=no prize!

For all other entries, leave a separate comment for each entry, and if it says more than entry for doing something, leave an individual comment for each of those entries and label them #1 #2 and so forth.
Have questions? Email Frugal Family Fun!

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Contest begins now and ends December 27, 2010 at 11:59 PM PST. Winner will be selected via and will be notified by email. Winner must respond within 48 hours or forfeits prize.  Open to US Only!

A DVD copy was given to me from The Magic Bowl  to review on my blog. I was not obligated to give a positive review. I was not compensated in any other way for this post.

1 comment:

  1. I don't have any potty tips yet because we are just getting started potty training but I think this DVD would be perfect for him to learn.


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