Monday, October 25, 2010

Winners of the Suave Professionals Hair Products!!

Hello all! Here are the 4 winners of the Suave Professionals Contest! I decided not to do the screen shots since there were so many winners, because I think it clutters up the post! Here they are in numerical order (not drawn in this order):
Jeanie said... 116
Momma Teri said... 127
I entered Flashlight/Laser Pointer Ends 10/23
Kimberly said... 151
I entered your Pink Princess giveaway.
mandala said... 93
I'd like to try the Aloe Vera and Gingseng set GFC follower (mandala)
Congrats to all the winners! You have been emailed and have 48 hours to claim your prize before we redraw! Thanks for all who played and please check out our current giveaways!

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Make sure to include your email in at least the first comment!!