Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Dad Central Twitter Party

Check out the Twitter Party with Dad Central!! Thursday, August 26th at 12pm EST for the "Power of Dads" Twitter Party to discuss how becoming a Dad has influenced what you buy, why you buy it and who you trust for advice. We'll be giving away six $50 American Express gift cards during the party. No RSVP required, just use the hashtag #PowerofDads and join the conversation!

What: Dad Central Consulting "Power of Dads" Twitter Party
When: Thursday, August 26th from 12-1pm EST
Why: To discuss how becoming a Dad has influenced what you buy, why you buy it and who you trust for advice. You'll also be entered to win one of six $50 AMEX gift cards.
Hashtag: #PowerofDads
Hosts: @MomCentral & @DadCentral

Questions?: Contact Matt at mmoretti@dadcentralconsulting.com

Calling All Moms: come to the party, cheer on the Dads and share opinions of your own! By participating, you'll also be eligible to win one of six $50 AMEX gift cards.

Want to be part of the Dad Central Consulting Community?

Click here for more information about the Dad Central Consulting "Power of Dads" Twitter Party.

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