Saturday, March 27, 2010

Winners of the Assets from Spanx Giveaway!!

Winners!! I know these lucky 5 are going to be super happy to get my email for this one!!! Spanx was so great to give us 5 prizes for this contest!!! And this is definitely the biggest turnout yet at 386 entries!!! Thanks to all who entered and lets get to it!! Via the lucky 5 are:

139 jerseygirl137 said...Following Frugal Family Fun on twitter.@jerseygirl137

359 moudbouc said... I'd like a bottom please !

37 janetfaye said...  1. Email subscribed.

340 cdmtx said... tweet #2

91 Kimberly said... daily tweet #3

Unfortunately some people didn't follow the rules or didn't make it easy to find their email, so I did have to redraw a few times!  Congrats to those who won and I hope everyone continues to enter our Current Giveaways!!

1 comment:

Make sure to include your email in at least the first comment!!