Sunday, March 28, 2010

Easter Basket Cupcakes

These are the cutest things ever!!!! Thanks to Disney Family Fun for these darling Edible Easter Basket Cupcakes!!

  • 1 dozen cupcakes
  • 1 bag jelly beans
  • 2 cups white icing
  • Sweetened coconut, colored with green food coloring
  • Pipe cleaners or red licorice
  • Small ribbon

  1. First, frost the cupcakes with white icing. Bend a pipe cleaner or a piece of red licorice into an arch and push the ends into the sides of each cupcake.
  2. Shake the shredded coconut in a stainless steel bowl. Sprinkle on food coloring bit by bit, mixing vigorously to distribute the color
  3. Place a pinch of shredded coconut on each iced cupcake. Now place three jelly beans on the "nest" of coconut.
  4. Tie a small ribbon bow on the pipe cleaner or licorice handle at a jaunty angle.
  5. Put one cupcake basket by each place setting at Easter brunch or give them as gifts.

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1 comment:

  1. thanks for the great idea their so adorable will be making some with my kids ty @waterbluffy on twitter


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