Here are a few fun and quick ways to help your child learn their ABC's!!!
Activity 1: The Alphabet Song
Sing the alphabet song. Be sure to sing the letters "L", "M", "N","O", and "P". Have your child sing the song several times with you.
Activity 2: Alphabet Clap
Clap your hands while saying the alphabet. Say one letter for each clap. For example, when you clap the first time, say, "A". When you clap the second time, say, "B". Continue through the alphabet. Then have your child clap and say the alphabet.
Activity 3: Alphabet Bounce: (You will need a ball)
Stand in front of your child, and bounce a ball as you say the alphabet. For example, bounce the ball once and say, "A". Bounce the ball again and say, "B". Continue through the alphabet. Then have your child say the alphabet with you as you bounce the ball.
Activity 4: ABC Parade
Have your child stand behind you. March around the room, saying the alphabet as you step. Have your child say the alphabet with you. Later, let your child have a turn leading you around the room.
Activity 5: Family catch and say (You will need a ball)
Have your family sit in a circle. Have everyone pass a ball around the circle. The person who catches the ball says the next letter. Complete until you're finished or until your child is unable to say the next letter.
IF your child is unable to say the next letter, say the letter and ask your child to repeat it. Then continue the game!
From Curriculum Associates Inc.
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