Friday, February 19, 2010

eShakti Review

If you are like me or many other moms, you probably aren't the same size or shape that you were before your little bundle of joy came along. So that often means staring longingly at clothes that don't fit the way you want them to and trust me, I know the frustration of that. Well the clothes Gods have answered our prayers ladies. I give you: eShakti, a site dedicated to helping you find beautiful clothes that truly fit you. You can adjust the neckline, sleeve type and length of your tops, adjust for cup size, choose the length of your skirts, and even customize the waist type and the length of your pants!!!! This site truly understands a woman's needs when it comes to clothes!!

I was truly excited when eShakti contacted me to review their site!! I chose the
Raw-Edge Ribbon Jersey Tee and had them make the top hip length. I gave them other sizing info and was thrilled with the quick arrival time!! Only a few days! The shirt fit amazingly, I couldn't have asked for better sizing!

Here is an up close view of the detail of the Raw-Edge Ribbon Tee

I love their quote on the top of their Web Page
"ONLY at eShakti: Complete range of sizes from size 0 to size 26W on every style. And custom sizes too.
And custom styling as well: you like a style, but want the sleeve, neckline or length to be different?
Easy as 1-2-3. Only at eShakti"

I also wanted to share the info from eShakti's About Uspage:
Our Mission:

To make every customer look her absolute best by providing amazing drape and always carrying any size she wants, and by letting her change the style too to suit herself.

Our Vision (for the future):

The customer determines what she wants to wear, and tells us and we make it just so. Like any other store, we also offer her a very large selection of styles to select from. She sees them and also sees trendy ideas and suggestions to create her own preferred look. She chooses.

Our Belief:
We believe in the internet since it benefits the customers and helps those companies who are customer-centered. The following are two important ways the internet changes shopping:

* The internet has ensured that a brand needs to mean real benefits, and not just advertising imagery. The internet enables the customer to compare different brands quickly, and even talk to other customers. She asks herself, and sometimes even her Net contacts, `Does it really look great on me? Can I get better value elsewhere?! And only if she gets a satisfactory answer does she buy.

* A woman can shop for exactly what she wants - no compromise, no premium to pay. She can ask for the fabric, color, body, styling and sizing that she likes. Earlier the information flowed one way: from the manufacturer to the customer. Now, the customer can talk to the manufacturer and easily specify online what she wants and get the clothing made just for her.

Our belief in the internet is captured in our name: Shakti in Sanskrit means power. Hence by eShakti we mean `The Power of the Net!.

Our policy:

We have given our Mission and our Beliefs above. Our policy is to fulfill our mission and to live by our beliefs.

* We offer trendy, comfortable styles in clothes in a selection of fabrics. To know what our customers like, we run customer panels.

* We offer the full size selection from 0 to 26W. We also offer custom sizes.

* We give the customer the option to change the styling to suit herself. For instance, she can change the length of the sleeve or the body, or the shape of the neckline, in a tunic quite easily during the shopping process.

* We have kept our website and customer policies friendly. We have a no-questions- money-back guarantee on sales returns, for instance.

* Now, we ship in 3 business days. Yes, even custom clothes ship in 3 days. And the transit time from us to the customer is typically 4 days. So in 7 business days or less the customer gets to wear what she has ordered from us.

* And we keep our prices stunningly reasonable.

In short, via the net, we ensure that every garment is uniquely made, for a specific customer. Our service is super-fast. We are accessible by toll-free phone and email. We listen hard, and keep in step with the customer. There is no one else who gives you guaranteed full size selections at all times; in addition we offer custom sizes and custom styles. And we envision doing more, soon.

eShakti is the company of the future, already here today.

And I am blogging here to tell you that they are telling you the truth ladies!! They really do make you feel beautiful by assuring that it fits YOU...and isn't that what we all want?? I cannot wait until payday to place another order with eShakti!!!

Check out eShakti online:
eShakti on Twitter
eShakti on Facebook

Thanks again eShakti!! Glad you found me!!
All photos courtesy of eShakti I was not monetarily compensated for this review, I only received the above mentioned item for review. These are only my opinions and yours may differ.

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